画質 高画質

We will host an exhibition of graphic novel in our gallery, which will provide the backdrop for all our events. You can reserve your copy of 's here: https://t.co/ydZnF6OXPb

Nolite Te Bastardes Carborundorum...

0 3

Greetings fellow carbon based lifeforms! We have Emotes on the stream! As of right now there are two Emotes. Thank you! Come say hello when we're live I would greatly appreciate it! https://t.co/R6YjA9fp9V

1 2

We you're carbon based and have to eat, but are also on a diet because you're from a social species. Decisions, decisions.

2 2

あなたのサークル「Studio Carbon」は、コミックマーケット96で「月曜日西地区 "す " 15a」に配置されました!コミケWebカタログにてサークル情報ページ公開中です! https://t.co/mMena5ugUu


10 13

◎あなたのサークル「CARBON-14」は、土曜日 西地区“A”ブロック-38a に配置されました。


コミケWebカタログ: https://t.co/x0Jq2soion

7 147

◎あなたのサークル「Carbon Base」は、日曜日 西地区“G”ブロック-09b に配置されました。


74 101

adam & eve de only lovers left alive (tilda swinton y tom hiddleston)

hecho con carboncillo✏

16 89

Nolite te bastardes carborundorum, bitches! ✊

0 5

¿Quien tiene mas profundidad y desarrollo de personaje?

Like: Captain Marvel
RT: Una inerte barra de carbon

800 235

>十六夜咲夜のメイド服を着た東風谷早苗 https://t.co/7O5ydMeuX8



48 121

>両手を爪に見立てて「がおー!」ってやってるやつ好きなんですよくださいお願いしますなんでもs https://t.co/yofLnH5PJT


47 140

Well my little is finally coming together, didn’t think I was going to get this far with it! White fur to go and a few tweaks to the eyes

4 15

We're being punked. So Daisy is trash tier for being "poorly written without effort" yet Waluigi, whose literally a carbon copy of another character, a character who had NO reason to exist, a character whose made zero impact on THE series somehow ends up in Top Tier. Dead. 😂💀

2 12



42 95

So something that I didn't do quite often in my blog was introducing side characters. Sweep Slick does have friends believe it or not. The one on the left is Miss Business and on the right is Carbon Shine.

2 8



35 107