画質 高画質


0 11

She should’ve gotten Frozone to teach her how to do the ice on water trick.

0 0

이번에 뜬 트레일러에 누가
엘사가 에리얼만나러가는게 학계의 정설이라는거 보고 급 그리고싶어진
인어엘사! 엘사야 에리얼만나러가줘...#Frozen2

1008 1737

Anna about to let y'all go to the afterlife

8 35

I am SO EXCITED for !!!!!!!! It looks so epic!

3 7

Can't wait til Elsa stops Anna from joining orochimaru

10984 24224

How awesome was that teaser?! As soon as I saw this shot of I knew I had to sketch it. She just looks so confident and powerful! ❤️

6 19

I loved her, ok?💙
This was one of the hardest drawings I ever done D: the pose was really complicated... but I liked the result c:

106 561

The Queen is back and she doesn't look too happy 👑

0 0


2 79

She looks really, really good

6 21