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Gotta do too! It was incredibly hard to narrow them down, but these four games have really impacted me as a gamer, and now as a game art student:

Mega Man II
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Bioshock Infinite
What Remains of Edith Finch

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Screw it. Four games that define my taste. Could've picked so many but these cover it pretty well

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Not my favorites of all time per say but definitely worth your time to try out these video games one day! (If you haven't already)

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tbh if I could put Spyro four times I would, but there are only three actual Spyro games so.

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Since this is a new trend so, why not? These are my 4 games which had imptact on me.

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These games helped influence me in more ways than one, and each one holds a special place in my heart.

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wow this was REALLY hard to narrow down.

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Joe & Mac: The agony of defeat...endless defeat

Zelda Ocarina Of Time: The greatest game of all time. The Rock-HoganWM18 of games.

Metal Gear Solid: Snake's moral code is what I aspired mine to be.

Halo 2: I'm not a gamer anymore, people are practicing and shit

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Hard choices. Probably could make 2 more lists of games that I may have played more then Im willing to admit. 😅

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Literally the first games I bought with my own money and never got tired of.

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- Metal Gear Solid
- Fragile Dreams
- Tomb Raider
- Medievil

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A story that's defined us for 24 years

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