画質 高画質

3. My take on a scene from Bionicle Chronicles 4: tales of the masks where Kopaka loses Pohatu in a rockslide while hunting for the mask of shielding 😢

0 2

Mata Nui Online Game: Matoran Matoro

6 14

Set: Takadox Building Instruction

1 10

Animation: Toa Mata Using Makoki Stones

2 15

Quest for the Masks: 130 Lewa Triumphs!

2 15

Comic: Arena Match of Gresh vs. Skrall

4 17

Comic: Roodaka and Sidorak

6 15

The other half of my sketches, though and are just my Inktober drawings of them with a few new bits doodled on. Onua and Gali will probably be the first to get the full finished treatment later, since they're my faves.

13 41

Comic: Barraki Pridak taking Kanohi Ignika from Matoran Dekar

1 14

Names skull I draw when I'm when I'm not tired which it almost never mainly bionicle art but I'm trying to change that https://t.co/MKRcuseZ6g

0 2

Art: MakutaLeavingAquaMagna

0 12

Challenge of Mata Nui: Mata Nui

4 37

CGI: Toa Takanuva and Ussanui

6 36