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The first three I spent the most time on, with Project Spark having an impact on how I interact with others. Ori essentially showed that it is possible to make games look the way I always wanted them to. Honorable mentions to Elements The Game, Hearthstone & WoW

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As a kid I didn't have a console beyond snes for the longest time so I put an obscene amount of hours into pc games... And still do, lbr

Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction
Quake 3 Arena
Quest for Glory
Heroes of Might & Magic

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Four wide worlds to see,
They all brought me so much joy,
I love them so much.

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To be fair I put Inquisition because the menu music made me cry but DA:II marked me also

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Ok let's do this!
Paper Mario - N64
LoZ The Wind Waker - Gamecube
Sonic Adventure 2 - Gamecube
MGS3: Snake Eater - PS2
These games still inspire me to this day

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Urgkkk, I think I could have included Tales of Eternia, Tales of the Abyss and Valkyrie Profile but this is mine! FFIX is love!

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Here's 4 game that could define my childhood! The hours of RP I did on wow... All the gift to get Nami as a wife, Tons of fun in Zelda, and all the practice to master Pokemon snap, I can now finish it well under an hour!

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My which I'm sure is surprising to precisely no-one

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take 2... I fucked up, gotta put my very first fighting game in there!!! 1st fighting game, 1st RPG, 1st brawler and favorite game of all times

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Yes there are two Dragon Age games in my list, but Ive only been playing games for a few years and those two games have influenced me so much. Ive been playing the sims since the Sims 1 and the 3rd generation of the game was definitely my favourite....

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There are so many influential games...pick just 4? ahhhh. Not to mention the power of DnD or actual physical games? Harsh.

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All from my childhood era.

Sonic - was a MegaDrive kid
Myst - Memories of the class crowding the school computer, sharing notes on paper
Diablo II - ∞ hours put into this one
Simon the Sorcerer - Monkey Island also a contender, but discovered this one first

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This was SO difficult to choose but I did it! All of these games are literal gold. In fact, I have a tie between AM2R and Super Metroid. AM2R was actually my first Metroid experience that made me a fan, and need I talk about Super Metroid’s ending?

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