画質 高画質


범규 생일을 맞아 이 글을 알티 한 분들 중 𝙍𝙏추첨을 통해 총 7-8분께 " 엽서&스티커 세트 "를 드립니다 (국내 거주지 한정)
범규야 생일 축하해♥

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For Suga and Beomgyu Birthday 2020💛💜🐱🐻

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To celebrate birthday here’s the layout made by me (



Feel free to use! Hope you like it💛🐻🐯🌰
I'll update the hashtag for BEOMGYU birthday later🙏

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A lil doodle... trynna remember how to draw and stuff...

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Okay, hey there. Es la primera vez que subo un dibujo algo más currado a twitter, asi que dadle amor pls 💌

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