画質 高画質

Hmm what about my Zeytsev sisters, Tanya and Katya

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A valiant effort from Tanya as she fights her heart out against Shiho for the first time. But it seems not enough as she still land a hit om her. Though her opponent was too easy, Shiho was having the time of her life, taking on a fighter with this much fire and passion

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Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable...John F. Kennedy

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Tanya: Hehe bring it on. Looking forward for a sparring match

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Whoooo congrats on 8K!!!! Thanks for the awesome opportunity!!!! Here’s my Tanya (Demon Slayer version)

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otsssuu buat live nya barusan!
katanya sih mau kembaran pake piyama sambil sliptolk gitu ye, tapi pada mute mic semua jadi pake bahasa tubuh WWWW tapi barusan asli seru banget, thamkuu & udah nemenin malem ini! 😭🤎🌹✨

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Lagi kosple ceritanya( : ˘ ∧ ˘ : )

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Karyaku! Nyoba painting setelah sekian lama hehe 😳 btw yang tau mereka dan ngikutin ceritanya apakah mau mutualan??? 👉👈

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Selamat Ulang Tahun, Reynarrd!!
Semoga hari ulang tahunmu menyenangkan, selalu sehat & bahagiaa ya~☺️🙏🏼
Ceritanya udah 1 maret

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kemarin pas webtun party ada game seputar webtun, pas pertanyaan 'mana yg bukan webtun lokal?' OMB paling tinggi votenya--- kaget saia, baik pembaca/sesama creator pun byk yang ngira OMB dari koreya TT/////TT
mungkin karena judul kali ya? sssssaaaaadddd 😭👌

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Mau tanya deh. Kamu termasuk yang suka, gak suka, atau biasa aja sama spoiler film dan series? Alasannya kenapa?

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Double Identities By Leonard Kirk, Robin Riggs, Tanya Horie, And Richard Horie

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oc aq, melody (abis ngehighlight rambut. katanya biar rame) https://t.co/QfuLDileTF

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*hqart (art by sender)
ishoma dulu ceritanya

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Taehoon skrg deket sm yeonwoo. Udah kek ngenalin pacar ke bapaknya, mana sok sok benerin kacamatanya Yeonwoo

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Kalau kuotanya habis bagaimana bang?

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"Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around."...Leo Buscaglia

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I have a few. TripWire has two different color eyes, Tanya and O'brien are cyborgs ( a partial and full respectively ) and pistol has a bit of a chunky look to her

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