hehehehehe it's them ☺☺

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35 345

when kangjun tried to convince jiwon that he can love him instead since he's also a vampire ☹

look at this bby's surprised face 🥺🥺

📚 블러드 앤드 러브

6 97

[블러드 앤드 러브] 스티커 통판 폼입니다!
통판기간: ~4.29까지
개인 구매수량에 제한은 없으며, 감당할 수 있는 정도만 받을 예정이기 때문에 조기마감 될 수 있습니다. 감사합니다!
+해외 배송은 불가능 합니다ㅠ.ㅠ...
폼 : https://t.co/GQuciqnGL8

97 275

"Always be wary not to reveal your identity to humans even when you are having a hard time." said seonghyun's mom in his dream.

he woke up seeing jiwon dozing off, "you seem to be different, are you the human that i can trust?"


📚 블러드 앤드 러브

4 126

sunghyeon resembles his mother a lot 🥺

he dreamt of his mother taking care of him while he was sick and telling him not to trust humans. ☹

📚 블러드 앤드 러브 <blood and love>

6 63

넷플릭스 앤드...망한 데이트

212 595

자급자족했던 안토앤드

13 42

비숍소매 어쩌꾸 ㅇ모작 앤드 덤

0 1

hashtag, just friends ✌🏼😗

📚 블러드 앤드 러브 <blood and love>

16 190

jiwon said he'll let seonghyun drink his blood but in exchange, he wanted him to properly call his name.. all this time SH is always calling him "ya (hey)", "you", "over there" 😂

📚 블러드 앤드 러브 <blood and love>

9 133

just baby jiwon who loves dark-covered books (that's why he was so into vampire thingy and wanted to befriend a vampire when he meets one)


📚 블러드 앤드 러브 <blood and love>

9 137

JW: can we just go to sleep? let's take a shower tomorrow instead 🥺
SH: *gives up* you know, everytime you ask for something [to anyone], you always do that expression
JW: It's my kìller move! 😁

ahhh the cuteness 😖

📚 블러드 앤드 러브 <blood and love>

15 143

"i'll help you get distracted so it will be less painful." (when he'll bite him to suck his blood)

skdhdks he's having his dinner 🙈

📚 블러드 앤드 러브 <blood and love>

17 230

he is sooo clingy.. and totally whipped for seonghyun 😂

📚 블러드 앤드 러브 <blood and love>

31 240

jiwon was so persistent to feed seonghyun his blood. after that he confessed, "sunbae, when you drink my blood, my insides tingle" then he showed him that he got boner 😂🙈

📚 블러드 앤드 러브 <blood and love>

28 210

they have such an opposite personality.. jiwon (blonde) is too much of a happy viruš and seonghyun (black) is a gloomy vampire 😂

📚 블러드 앤드 러브 <blood and love>

27 219

haaa.. i think i'm gonna pick this up again. i literally bought it, read the side stories and drop it 😂 i'm feeling lazy but we'll see 🥴

📚 블러드 앤드 러브 <blood and love>
https://t.co/oGBkEpRtqe https://t.co/k0uIyML8Og

12 70

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