Here's what I could dig up, I remember being so proud of the old one too
What a wild run this past decade has been

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No iba a hacerlo porque no creía que fuera a notarse una diferencia tan interesante, pero buenu... :,3
2009: Dibujo tradicional + color digital (OpenCanvas, creo)
2019: 100% digital con CSP

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I guess my art skills evolved with time but my sense of humor didn't (2010-2014-2016-2019)

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Decided to do this too, just for fun and a visual reference for myself when i'm feeling down about my art really.

2009 one is literally the only thing i could find from around that time. I'm proud of how far I have come, here's to the next 10 years!

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Harry Potter en 2009 y la misma escena dibujada en 2019. Pocas cosas te suben más la moral que ver progreso, me encanta este tag ☺️☺️

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More than 10 years of drawing and now I can draw background and hand lol What a great improvment!

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wanted to get in on the trend but i legit don't have anything from 2009 sooo have something from 2013 instead :)

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I'd say stuff has happened over the decade. Definitely got more comfortable with the concept of backgrounds and mood in the art!
Here's to another decade of improvement! ❤️ 2020 is gonna be an exciting year!

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I had to dig through the website for you guys on this one. 😂

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Uno no cree que ha mejorado hasta que miras los dibujos de hace 10 años y es como: OwO! En Linea me siento orgullosa xDDD

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2009 was the like. Brink of when I started to figure out art. It was ALL traditional, Copic. Still lots of human art but I was able to dig for some beginner furry stuff LMAO
2019 I’m finally in a forgiving medium I can push myself with. I can shade, and well!

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start of vs. end of
the decade the decade


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:' ) I went through my very old deviantart account storage to try and find something to use for this lmao;;

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i've taken a huge trip down memory lane a few days ago with some friends looking at our old art... this piece from 2009 was one of the most similar subjects to the latest piece i have from 2019. im so proud of both my older self and current self! ✨

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Even tho the first image is from 2013, there's a lot of improvement from then to now. 😃

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Traditional pieces, though I still can't get them to scan right uuuuh

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Bon le premier date de 2015 meh-
J'en profite pour vous montrez ce wip~

Le seul truc qui ne change pas c'est ma passion pour les dragons ahah- (tuez moi)

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I used to almost primarily draw girls, I still almost primarily draw girls

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