I got this patreon reward of Miia in the starting uniform from Astral Chain.

I've really been enjoying the game so far, everything about it has been great.

58 254

I didn't expect Astral Chain to tug at my heart strings with the supporting cast. But then everyone talks about how Max became a softie thanks to fatherhood--!! 💓💓


23 69

[Note 16 de M. Taura]
"J'espère que vous aimez ! Toute l'équipe de développement est heureuse de savoir que vous y jouez. J'espère que vous l'apprécierez, que ce soit en mode TV, en mode portable, ou en confiant un Joy-Con à une autre personne ! Merci !"

27 188

I like to imagine that the Protagonist & Akira tease each other whenever opportunity comes up.

7 26

I don't think I remembered to put this Kyle here

25 76

[Astral Chain spoilers] Probably during that one fight in File 11

7 35

So, I'm really enjoying To the point where I hope this can happen at some point.

0 2



6 17

Jena Anderson Vent doodle... I want to see more Jena fanart!

56 110

Geez, my switch is KILLING MY WALLET!
First there was aka Fire Emblem 3 houses, next there’s and now there’s
All of these games are $60 masterpieces!!!
I got bills to pay!!!

0 2