Tbh I wanted to finish this fanart before your debut. But now I can use it for congratulating you on reaching 12k subs already!

Keep doing your best Risu!

12 126

Tiap kali Risu ketawa suaranya kayak orang hentai gitu, tapi ku suka (gambar ini cuman becanda doang)

1 11


1 3


3 5


7 21


1 3

15 menit lagi! ayo siap siap ke youtube channelnya risu dan ikutin rules yang ada di deskripsi yaaa! terimakasihhh!!!

46 332

can't wait for her debut

67 341

Risu is so excited for tomorrow and it makes my tail can’t seem to calm down!! ><
Here is the last piece you guys are waiting for!!!
show me your progress! 🐿

don’t forget to subs 😤😤👇👇

34 270

here is another puzzle piece for you!!
only 1 piece left!!😳
楽しみ~ 💕

don’t forget subs to my channel too 😤👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇

12 124

lunch time = puzzle time!!
but don’t eat the puzzle or Risu!! ><
no sate Risu, no Risu stew! No ! No!
btw the puzzle is almost complete 💕#holoID

23 188

how was your day, friends ? ☺️
Risu is feeling like getting a headpat today ~
btw, here is another piece of puzzle to solve your curiosity ~ 🐿

41 233

hello again 🐿
Risu has eaten her lunch now 🥰
let’s start another puzzle time!!
come forth, my puzzle enthusiasts!

27 221

have you get lunch ??
please keep in mind that you can’t eat me !!

108 531

Hello enthusiastic fellows!! How's the puzzle so far ??
It's getting clearer, isn't it ? (*´▽`*)
I can see what you guys did there ~
here is another puzzle for today!

チャンネルも登録してね ~!

29 232

ドンドンドン !!!
Good morning ! Are you ready for the next puzzle piece ??
Here we go ~! Can you guess which part is it ??

32 261