Check out this article highlighting Bulky Offense in PU!

art by Albatross (

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6 51

I drew them :D Sorry I didnt draw the wings. Idk every time I drew them it looked very bulky but ye. I hope you like it :)

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you know toku suits don't last forever or designers are just too picky and change this if they can, just like Neferula.

In the first half of Metalder, Barbery is this bulky guy but and the second one he comes back with a new suit but more faithful to the concept art.

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I think they specifically DIDN'T make them so Reploid-like to specifically emphasize their program nature. They exist in a digital world that doesn't require the bulky bodies of reploids. Hell, even CANON Reploids don't need bulky bodies. And what about Marty?

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My main elf boi, Felix "Phoenix" Graerune! Inseparable from his lover, Rook <3 A naughty lil thing who isn't your typical elf body type. He's bulky, more average human height, the runt of his family. :)

Plus 3 elven PCs I drew from one of my D&D campaigns that was shelved.

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Concept: Gravity Gun for people who didn't think the original was bulky enough.

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Game Apocalyptica (2003). Made unsurprisingly by British.
"Story": Forces of Good and Evil duking out in SPACE! Demons, angels, mech, paladins in bulky space suits and warrior-nuns are included.
Sounds familiar?
Game screams "we wanted to secure Warhammer license, but alas..."...

1 4

Your cookie? I dunno man, can't see you over these bulky squir-pecs. Keep complaining and you may get the same end as the cookie you are looking for.

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i don't know how much further i want to go into drawing this scene though because it would require me to draw a brief fight scene involving this fucking dude and i don't think i can draw a big bulky robot for that long

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conclusion: bulky.

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when he's standing: bulky.

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from back view: bulky.

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side view: bulky.

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when he's bulky.

215 1317

more bulky ass armor in sci-fi pls and thank

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I do have the build divers higher than sky Raiser variant if I do want to do something "actually Raisery" but lets be honest, look at this BULKY ASS THING. That is not a feeble Dork Orc if you ask me.

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