So since BT09 is X-Antibody themed; when are we getting the most important X-Antibody of all? 🤔🤔🤔

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Aún le quedan unos retoques finales al logo (especialmente en el lettering) pero ya va cogiendo la forma que debería tener.

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Planta demônio/Demon plant.

Jungle troopers-Nightmare soldiers-Dark area-unknown.

10 64

Mini Compilation of some Pokémon I did as Digimons 😎 Wich one is your favourite? Mine is GengarMon

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¡TAMERS! Conoced las nuevas cartas y sus efectos que llegarán en BT9. ¡Tienen muy buena pinta!


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Now we've finally met Gulus Gammamon, what do we all think to him!? 😯😲😮

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Good morning Tamers!

We've had 3 of Gammamon's evolutions revealed in the anime so far! 🤩

Which is your favourite!?

We're big fans of BetelGammamon! 🔥

1 7

北米版デジモンカードゲーム大会『2021 Final Championships』にて配布される景品プレイマットに、第6弾で担当の「アグモン-勇気の絆-」「ガブモン-友情の絆-」のイラストを使用していただきました。何卒宜しくお願い致します…!

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With 4 of the Seven Great Demon Lords making an appearance or upcoming appearance in the TCG already, which would you like to see appear next?

We’re dying to see Belphemon RM!

But would you prefer Barbamon or Leviamon? 💀

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デジモンカードゲーム北米版にて発売されている「DIGIMON CARD GAME GIFT BOX」

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北米版デジモンカードゲーム公式大会「2021 Final Championships」にて、トロフィーカード(Framed Trophy Cards)4点のイラストを担当しました。Please try get it!

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Dracmon has been featured in the TCG but not the rest of his digivolution line!

We would love to see Sangloupmon, Matadormon and GranDracmon 😍

What digimon do you hope to see featured in future TCG sets?

5 11

Good evening Tamers!

If you could pick one Digimon as your partner, who would it be!? 🤔

Ours would be Tentomon and Guilmon! 😁

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Morning Tamers!!

With BT-07 English release just around the corner we want to know which cards you’re looking forward to and why!

Our picks are Ebonwumon and MagnaGarurumon!

Let us know yours!

5 12

Hi Guys!

Our favourite Digimon and there TCG counterparts!

Show us your favourite Digimon and TCG card of that Digimon!

11 56


Nightmare soldiers-Dark area.

Digimon criado por mim e arte feita pelo Renan Santos Pereira.

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