working on the desert duo designs for double life rn 🏃

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scar and his jellie pandas! he should prolly pay attention so that one jellie panda doesnt bite him!!!

96 494

Hello!! :)
I am working on a short pearl-focused video based on Double Life! I'm hoping to finish it soon so I can post it tomorrow!

2 8

So that interaction lol
I couldn't help myself ok?

It's almost 3 AM qwrrtersfg

74 299

Wicked Pearlescentmoon 🌙

This is my first time drawing this kind of expression, harder than i thought T_T

7 61

Did some experiments on his design then i added cat ears then the rest is history

78 496

Oh, but you must travel through those woods again and again... and you must be lucky to avoid the wolf every time... But the wolf... the wolf only needs enough luck to find you once.

200 1734

so guys, what do we think? So I headcanon when he gets mad his hair goes all fire like, but what do we think of the idea that the fire color corresponds to the number of his lives??? I think I quite enjoy it

6 44

My roommate got me into and I am loving the dynamic with Tango and Jimmy. Also Tango hiding in a hole at night in absolute distress speaks to me on many levels. Felt compelled to draw it.

4 53

idk why his hair looks different every time

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