Dr Who - Dalek (9×11 watercolor)
A commission I did for a Dr Who super fan. I personally don't know much about The Daleks but I had a blast drawing this!

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TARDIS in three portraits

Art by me

The TARDIS always look most normal when it is in a forest. Not sure why I think that. It just has a juxtaposition that pleases me.

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Dr Who Fan Art Print Sale- DM or Comment to purchase... $12/ea on 11x17 Acid Free Paper plus shipping

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Dr Who Fan Art Print Sale- DM or Comment to purchase... $12/ea on 11x17 Acid Free Paper plus shipping

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TARDIS Console Room (Matt Smith) in four portraits

Art by me

It reminded me of the console room from the TV movie in that both seem a little all-over-the-place. One of my favourites.

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The many faces of Allen Shapiro in Torchwood - Miracle Day

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The Fourth Doctor in four portraits

Art by me DoctorWho DrWho

The most remembered Doctor. Until David Tennant, I would argue.

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The Third Doctor in four portraits

Art by me

For a long time, he was derided by some corners of the Whovian community. Not sure why because Jon Pertwee was a great Doctor.

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The many faces of Heather Hartnell in An Adventure In Space And Time

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Dalek in three portraits

Art by me

Who doesn't like a Dalek? The most evil alien race in the universe yet they can't win against one little DOctor...

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