can we have phurble mount? he's going to be grumpy jumpy I beg of thee

1 0

I will not stop relaunching my game.

142 630

dear, paladins. fucking. stop. sincerely, your healer who is still alive.

48 136

has this been done before idk

3 8

smol bday doodle for naga burrito who always comes to my rescue💕

0 4

Couldn't condense it to a 4koma but i'll live with it.

19 67

Back with my meme bullshit👁️👄👁️

3 13

My experience with ARR and postgame so far is like

1 8

I've seen WAY to many Youtubers do this

133 542

i dont know where to even begin explaining this

3 5