Acá les dejo un fanart de Ginebra xd (debo ir mejorando mas en esto... por ahora tengo esto hecho, espero lo aprecien u.u

5 23

"Você não quer ver sua filha novamente? Se você quer, preciso que nos empreste seus poderes"

8 40

Four Knights of the Apocalypse
Le chapitre 39 est accompagné de 3 questions de lecteur (Q42 à Q44) :

3 32


Oui enfin l'arrivée d'un des et c'est Gowther. Mais par contre ou se trouve Sin, et qui est ce chevalier du Chaos qui a tiré ses deux flèches ?

1 4

Four Knights of the Apocalypse
Third color page of chapter 39 (Shonen Magazine

9 119

Four Knights of the Apocalypse
As you have seen, anime adaptation has been confirmed.
Now the question is when it will be released. For example it can be October 2022 😅

37 183

coloreo de arbdeg de the four knights of the apocalypse

11 41

Four Knights of the Apocalypse
Le chapitre 36 est accompagné de 4 questions de lecteur (Q38 à Q41) :

1 14

Four Knights of the Apocalypse
The second PV of is currently in production. Suzuki helped script this PV.
Arthur's VA Sachi Kokuryu in 7DS will voice him in the new PV.
Info from pages of chap 36

6 53