Inks all finished, base color flats laid, Kickflip’s fur mostly done, Yuuri’s kitties will be next. Then on to all the shading, highlights, lighting effects, and background!

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i finally wanna figure out names for ethese guys!! the only ones im really set on are benji for the bunny and mitzi for the cat 🤔
u got any ideas for the other 3?
bat is eccentric & into occultism, ? is a bit awkward and a # gamerboy, dog is into cute & retro things and love lol

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Thank you TCgamerboy2002 for the donation!
Here's a business lunch!

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I love Zarya sooooo much <3 TopTank i`m HighMaster with her and Reinhard btw i`m a Tankmain. I stream all day :) Check it out

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