I think all the heated discourse about Jihwa these past few days just proves that Byeonduck has effectively created a character 𝘴𝘰 𝘩𝘶𝘮𝘢𝘯 that readers can't help but dissect him—all his idiosyncrasies, follies, intentions, etc. +

11 63

,Jihwa,May the world treat you gently.这一话我是真心痛知画了,被嫉妒和不甘心上头了,又爱得太卑微,回想下你可是一傲娇鬼呀,赶紧高傲起来!愿你能被温柔以待😭😭😭。

614 3069

Jihwa and his reflection, a short thread.

This screenshot is from ch3. Take note: in ch1&2, we don't even get a proper look at Jihwa's face, we only see glipses of it. His face is constantly hidden from our sight. This is the first of his private moments we get insight into.

8 35

"... Jihwa? Is something wrong? You haven't written anything yet."


Somebody's smitten... 😳😅

I wish I could have worked on this longer but I have to finish my readings. Sorry for the mistakes🥲 Can't wait for the next chapter!

20 80

Young sungho not Jihwa lol

0 1

"She never told her love,
But let concealment, like a worm i' the bud,
Feed on her damask cheek. She pined in thought,
And with a green and yellow melancholy
She sat like patience on a monument,
Smiling at grief. Was not this love indeed?"

~Twelfth Night

(Jihwa feels night.)

2 13

I'm about to do something very unfashionable by the standards of the POTN fandom.

You know, I'm gonna look at Jihwa's feelings, motivations and behaviors and actually pay attention.

20 107

(读 夜畫帳同人文有感)

566 3749

"...you guard so fiercely."

what could it be for jihwa to not just speak of it to anyone at all. i believe it's a part of seungho's past or what happened to him. answers is what we need on the next update please 🥺

1 15

BNK denied his homosexuality/ SH denies loving someone /Jihwa denies loving a low-born/ Nameless denies that nobles can be good/innocent people.😭That's why the heartache!😭

4 31

I have a question & it’s been bothering me for so long. It’s about Jihwa’s hair. His hair length is bothering me because if he didn’t cut it short recently, then it would be longer. Did he cut his own hair bc his family was against him liking SH or men?

9 80

LRT I can't draw but I couldn't resist and edited one for my Ginger Princess. Does that make Jihwa a catboy?

Two topknots for the soul!

1 28

Jihwa and the assassin from Painter of the Night. Happy Chuseok! 추석 잘 보내세요!

25 83

I'm so sorry for bullying you, my sweet Ginger Princess, but it needed to be done.

4 11

Ik this is not the right time to talk about this, but as soon as Deokjae mentioned 'Jihwa' he flinched and decided to kill him right at that moment. So I think he killed Doekjae so Jihwa won't get caught?Maybe he truly cares about Jihwa.AND YES DEOKJAE DUG HIS OWN GRAVE

3 18

what if .. nakyum and jihwa catboys

5 37