This was a lazy doodle I did on the bus when school was still a thing and it looks pretty good! 😳

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I made this drawing some time ago and I still think it's kinda cute! 😳💖💓

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"Love is the flower you’ve got to let grow."

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Finished piece for the awesome Should get a resident artist postition if I carry on! 😂

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I’ve started to wonder if Paul did some of the heavy lifting musically, but John was still the poet and philosopher that lifted the band beyond the music.

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(just popped up of fbook:) awww. baby Nicky:) older of an adorable & incredibly fun fam ♥️//

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Perhaps unsurprisingly it's on the album Rock 'n' Roll. I love the evocative cover image of him in Hamburg, 1961, with Paul, George and Stu Sutcliffe, all blurred, walking by.

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а ещё я люблю битлов всем своим сердечком
и иногда рисую их

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