Kaijune Day 4: Burrow
Spadeworm is a long beast with a drill like shape. They go through man made structures and travel fast underground.

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Day 3: Shell
A snail like kaiju that fire plasma ball and upon impact, can manipulate the gravity around the impact zone.
Prompt list by

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Kaijune Day 4: Burrow

This Kaiju uses it's powerful claws to burrow on almost any surface. It lives underground and causes giant sinkholes all over the world. It also can swim and travels in groups of 4

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This subaquatic kaiju modifies the currents and creates whirlpools . It hides and travels through deep oceanic waters and is commonly known for it's attacks on cargo ships.

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Day 3 is KNIFEHEAD, a pretty sick Kaiju from Pacific Rim. Another rough speed paint but I dig it. Sorry, no Karloff from day 2!

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