Ichika: She/Her, Lesbian
Saki: She/Rain, Lesbian
Honami: They/Them, Lesbian
Shiho: She/He, Aroace
Miku: She/Her, Aroace

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"ステラ (feat. 星乃一歌, 天馬咲希, 望月穂波, 日野森志歩 & 初音ミク)" by Leo/need

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アスノヨゾラ哨戒班 (feat. 星乃一歌)
by Leo/need

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En ce moment je suis en train de me faire tous les events de Leo/need et je commence vraiment à m'attacher à elles alors que de base je les aime pas trop ?? 😔 (Shiho best leo/need girl d'ailleurs)

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青く駆けろ! (feat. 星乃一歌 & 初音ミク)
by Leo/need

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アスノヨゾラ哨戒班 - Leo/need (野口瑠璃子, 礒部花凜, 上田麗奈, 中島由貴) (Leo/need SEKAI ALBUM vol. 1)

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💫Leo/need 컬러풀페스 카드
(22.06.30 기준 사키 제외 전원 등장)

[일찍이 본 밤하늘] 호시노 이치카
스킬명 '추억의 정글짐'

[쌓아온 용기] 모치즈키 호나미
스킬명 '인정받지 못 하더라도'

[나에게 있어 바른 길] 히노모리 시호
스킬명 '그날의 각오'

90 52

Is just a dumb theory that I saw where the last leo/need event set was based on a children's book where 2 friends travel thru space in a train and by the end of the book one of the friends stay while the other gets off and it's revealed the other friend d1ed

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tried my hand at a leo/need genderbend with questionable success

i might draw more of this in the future tho i kinda like some of the designs

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[黒板に咲くサクラ Cherry Blossoms Blooming on the Blackboard] Megurine Luka(巡音ルカ)[Leo/need]

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六兆年と一夜物語 (feat. 星乃一歌 & 初音ミク) - Leo/need (Leo / need SEKAI ALBUM Vol.1)


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// crosship

second bandori? rarepair otd is honalisa! (submitted) this ship consists of lisa from roselia and honami from leo/need!! they are drum and bass gfs with matching red colours!

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ステラ (feat. 星乃一歌, 天馬咲希, 望月穂波, 日野森志歩 & 初音ミク)
by Leo/need

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Probably done already hshsh but tried doing a Leo/Need swap au inspired by other similar posts!

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Leo/Need Icons💙💙

Feel free to use
Just credit me

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ステラ - Leo/need (needLe/ステラ)

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