Been working on images of Maunsell forts in my monoprinting , fascinating strange constructions

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In progress - monoprint space dreams

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Made this monoprint yesterday of the sunrise

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autumnal reduction linocut (also shown as a monoprint)

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Messing about with some monoprints! Im totally not covered in ink >___>

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Otter Head at the mouth of the River Otter, Budleigh Salterton. Drypoint/Monoprint

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Using up the workshop ink last night to experiment with Dunlin A5ish prints

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Dig out a few in our archive. monoprint for the cover or in 2010.

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- need to understand and sketch anatomy some more to get this right

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A sea of starlings - Inspired by Sunday's visit to Ham Wall Last night's
Artificial light

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Last night's
swimming based on sketches

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Our St Fergus Foyer Gallery is showing monoprints by Nicola Carberry, "America: people, places, furniture"

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Beautiful new monoprints by Tai-Shan Schierenberg on display at New York!

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Nicola Carberry's exhibition of monoprints in our Foyer gallery "America: people, places, furniture"

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