OCstober day 1!
I scribbled this in like 10 min... everyone knows that Lisa is my main OC, she's also kind of my sona on here too? Anyway I love her and she is the woman of all time.

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Day 1 with my main chara for my OC universe, kayla!

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Day 1 - Main OC

sebenernya kalau dibilang main oc sih ada tiga yah, nagi, chika sama alan. tp mereka kusimpan saja buat day 4 hoho

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1. Main OC!

White Rabbit, Joker, dan Clover!

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OCtober Day 1: Main OC

Kazuki, Kana, Kazuya.
Sepaket ya, jangan dipisah🤝

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day 1 : Main OC

Rowan (19) anak kuliahan. Kalem, santai, good teacher, temen2nya suka minta tutor/nasehat (bukan karena dia yg terpandai tapi karena jelasinnya enak), self possessed, agak cuek dan kurang peka.

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This is my old drawing, but let me introduce my main Oc from my story I have before. Her name is Aiko Nanami. She's cheerful, kind and strong, but...

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day 1 babey

was gonna do something bigger but hm. (+kinda needed this for a code) perhaps ill do that later but truly the one and only Ryan Manawa and Apollo fr fr

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a doodle a day...

"Main" oc just means someone I don't shut up about lol. His name is Huanglian, an Oath of Vengeance paladin. I'm gonna stop there or I'll run out of space.

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1. Main OC
Pasti sudah tau siapa main OC-ku. Tentu saja Catherine Lindberg!
Catherine adalah polisi wanita yang pintar, ramah, dan cantik. Saat ini ia sedang menyelidiki kasus kematian "Catherine Lindberg" atas permintaan seorang Dewa Kematian.

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Day 1 : Main Oc

Kalau main chara sebenernya 3, tapi di cerita utamanya ya anak ini. Leon namanya. Dia harusnya adek kembarnya Lavi tapi karena menang suit jadi dipanggil abang.

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Day 1: Main OC

Meet my child, Eoni. He's a researcher/nurse. Usually hangs out at the clinic. Lacks sleep because of work and...smth

I would draw him all the time, but not post cuz all of em r sketches.

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Day 1 : First oc

Minami Yurikara!!! Waktu pertama dibikin dia tuh bertigaan sama bestienya tapi sekarang cerita sama bestienya banyak yg ku ubah (walau mereka masih ada)

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My main OC is Kaho!
Born under the right stars, her luck trumps over everything else, being able to survive even with the worst odds as the dices of fate would always roll in her favor.

She is adorable and cheerful, always striving to see the best in people

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Day 1; Main OC(s)

I don't really have any official main oc except my own persona, I think? But I don't draw my persona that often either huhu

But I'd say Joanne and Yuudai could be my current mains

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Day 1 : Main Oc

Siapa lagi kalo bukan Yuna Kirana. Anak emasnya Sloo yang paling sering digambar daripada oc lain WKWKWK

cntik bgt, ak heran sama Yuna

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』01 - Main OC

Not exactly a main OC more like the OC I use the most for all my sosmed profile, Zephyr Bunker, cutest 🐇 man, special div officer with horrid paycheck, have a lot of side job and one of them are babysitting an 🍊 tabby

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Day 1

Name: Evellion Excella
Sebenernya bingung juga main OC ku siapa karena aku seringnya ngefanart + OC-ku banyakkk wkwk. Dia jadi satu"nya OC yang kubuatin webtoon (meski sekarang hiatus dan ini scene di eps lanjutan).

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So I think imma join :D

This is my main OC now, Utari. A depressed girl with trust issues lol. Actually a pretty sweet person deep down. If ya'll want to befriend her, just... be nice I think🥲 oh and be careful of her spear so you don't get sliced up

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