Hans Sebald Beham, The Peasant Wedding or the Twelve Months: No. 10, 1546 https://t.co/7Ogr2NlgLm

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Royal Feast in a Garden, left folio from the double-page frontispiece of a Shahnama (Book of Kings) of Firdausi (940–1019 or 1025), c. 1440 https://t.co/M0yAMVzrl3

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Jan Saenredam, The Annunciation to the Shepherds, 1599 https://t.co/idwLJby31b

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Samuel H. Crone, Smithy, study for "Das Gericht", c.1883 https://t.co/HCVaUmB3Jy

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Rembrandt van Rijn, Jan Uytenbogaert, Preacher of the Remonstrants, 1635 https://t.co/irezIDSvrv

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Portrait of Anthony Cornelissen, from the Icones Principum Virorum, 1660 https://t.co/aVvkM1ifAH

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Vanity Fair: Statesman, No. 126 "An Arbitrator", 1872 https://t.co/PGC60burez

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Portrait of Lucas Vorsterman I, from the Icones Principum Virorum, 1630–1641 https://t.co/q9mdYBmA3Q

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Isaac de Moucheron, Fantastic Harbor Scene with Architecture and Figures, 1713 https://t.co/oaKP737nes

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