got my entry into the 🏴‍☠️ piratehat-sweep-contest!! 💎 go get your brooms 🧹 the floor is lava 🔥 🍄 💊

5 14

☀️Happy weekend. It’s almost time to start the new week out right with your favorite show.💜

Magic 🪄 Monday starts
🔥5pm UTC!🔥
🍄See you there!🍄

17 40

Bro we would love to have you as part of our 🍄🍄 family 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧

🚨 Just take a quick look👀

👉 Guarantee you'll find something you love ❤️‍🔥

1 4

My Monday thru Sunday will always be 🍄🍄

✨️ If you aren't instantly hooked 🎣on these 🐌 then I just don't know what to tell you 🤷‍♂️

👉 Come join our family 👪

4 14

💜 We are making Huge headway on raising the floor. Let’s keep up the momentum.🙌

The sweep 🧹 comp. is still ongoing. Every purchase of a gets a wheel entry for a chance at the coveted RARE Mystic Skin Pirate Hat!

🔥Ends Dec 5th 5PM UTC🔥

21 43

The best 🎨 without 🙅‍♂️ a doubt is 🍄🍄

🚨 ✨️ HAVE A L👀K ✨️ 🚨

🐌 👉These 🔥 beauties 🤩 speak for themselves 💯 🎉 🥳

5 9

The obvious answer would be

Affordable entry 💰

Gen 2 coming 🐌

Waystation 🚉

Staking 🥩

Cases 💼

Oh my 💥

2 3

Nothing cooler 😎 than a

👉 Rising floor price, Staking & a Gen 2 🐌 collection on the way 👀

🚨 No better time ⏳️ to buy than now 💯

1 2

Gm gm

Shout out to my broski for the dope edit 🔥🔥🔥

does it different. We're all a big family 👪

Come be a part of it too

14 23

That samurai is killing it bro 🗡️ glad you like it! Thanks for the Rad Pad I appreciate you bro!

5 15

Our artist 🎨 Really brought these zombie traits to life! Can't wait for the evolution on my 🧟🏆

Big shoutout to from the for the awesome Diamond Hands edit 🤌💎

Thank you bro!

14 29

Strawberry 🍓 skin on red background!!

We should be doing a show on all thing I bet we could fill a whole episode!!

is near!



0 0

I need more. Wicker Great job dude! I absolutely love reading these!! It’s like a mini series!! THANK YOU! 💚🙏



2 7

The 🍄🍄 community is killing it 💪

🚨 Currently running a sweep 🧹 contest for this rad pirate 🏴‍☠️

✨️ Only 37 in the collection & each purchase = 1 entry 🎟

5 15

The best 🎨 without 🙅‍♂️ a doubt is 🍄🍄

🚨 ✨️ HAVE A L👀K ✨️ 🚨

🐌 👉These 🔥 beauties 🤩 speak for themselves 💯 🎉 🥳

2 7

This is 🍄🍄

🚨 Lots of other 🔥 ✨️ out there but 👉 nothing 🙅‍♂️ comes close to the 💫 awesomeness 🤩 that 🎨 👨‍🎨 has created 🐌

0 7