All that coffee's not gonna be good for you...

(...I give up, the GIF version murdered the colors ;v;)

1324 2825

Bandoola is gonna Peek-atchyou! pikapika!

if Bandoola was a Pokemon what would he be!? hmmm that's a good question.🐸🐘

1 2

С добрым утром, детективы~ ☕

0 12

A majestic PikaJack in his natural habitat 😤 featuring a smol pikapika (😅 A bit late posting this here sorry)

27 185

Waiting for and drinking coffee ☕
I can stop whenever I want. These are just choices.

8 59


46 194

My quick drawing of Detective Pikachu. Loved the movie! 😁

2 16


56 114

A few days ago I went to see Detective Pikachu at the cinema... and boy, oh boy, it was wonderful, I recommend it to all the pokemon fans: they've done a very ambitious and worthy of praise in the details work! ❤️

1 6

choose ur fighter... or ur feelings ⚡️

120 569