How I met the Speaker of the House
Nancy Pelosi Edit

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Real Effort and Sincerity
In search of the truth
Why did it happen and who is to blame
So it doesn't happen again
That is real life
That is the truth

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Flashy fake people keep on telling lies
Flashy names
Fake faces and places
Make you lose your mind
Fast talking people and fake faces
Keep on tellin lies
I don't listen to no one
Because they're
always telling lies

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Nancy Pelosi Edit
How I met the Speaker of the House❔

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After Midnight
How I met the Speaker of the House❔
Nancy Pelosi Edit


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Here in California we have a huge homeless crisis
No matter how much money California spends on the problem
The homeless population continues to grow at an alarming rate

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Everyday People
Suffer through more to make themselves whole again
Recovering lost or stolen property
Is expensive and difficult
In cases of great bodily injury and death
It's impossible

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Things are going great and they're only getting better

Illusion of Art

Information Age

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Passwords protect machines
Behind the make believe
Inside a secret code
Hide true identity

Living in a digital world

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The problem is plain to see
Too much technology
Machines to save our lives
Machines dehumanize

Living in a digital world
Domo Arigato
Misuta Robotto

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It was previously known that humans were consuming plastic particles through food and water
As well as just breathing it in through the air

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A Dutch study in the Journal Environment International
Tested 22 anonymous blood samples and found plastic particles in 80% of people tested
Indicating plastic particles are able to travel around the body and lodge themselves in organs

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Tiny particles of plastic have been detected in human blood for the first time

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Strange Invasion by
Russian Forces

World Security is threatened by Wars

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Hey Mister
Tell Me Some Good News
I Don't Care If You Lie
Maybe You Can Help Out This Poor Man
So Far Far From Home

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Russian Forces Destroy
Chernobyl Laboratory
Plant Laboratory

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