im just like him not because im a cool persona user but because i too have my headphones on 24/7, am depressed and have a horrible posture

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Passons à la seconde posture qui ne vise pas l’adversaire, la garde « du jour ». Vous savez, celle où vous levez les bras et où l’épée est dressée au-dessus de la tête. L’attaque qui s’y oppose, c’est le « zwerchau », le coup de travers, ou coup transversal. Ou horizontal.

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Taking after his role model to a fault, Zamaς favors a hunched-over, animalistic posture at most times, rarely rearing to full stature.

He often contorts his body in ways that seem unnatural, again in imitation of his surrogate. This makes his likeness... difficult, to capture.

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Had posted the drawing vid for Tentacool already, but here’s the actual drawing itself! Plus Mew, his original Green sprite had such terrible posture

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I love to draw.🖍️

It doesn't mean that drawing is easy and effortless.

Drawing is time consuming, frustrating, bad for my posture, a strain on my eyes, a lonely activity...

...but it can be oh, so, very, satisfying.

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Character - Hua Cheng
This artwork is very close to my heart as it's my 1st original artwork of my favourite character Hua,I drew it while studying head postures.
I hope you guys like it 💕 Thank you for your love and support ❤️
Repost/Redraw with credit

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Tonight Søren paints minis (his posture is awful)

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I've just sat, ranked and tiered 124 Simpsons characters for a video and the recording is 2 hrs and 20!
I now feel, sound and have the posture of Jackie B (...who I may or may not have ranked "cromulent")

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i think childe has really bad posture

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To humans Xalko often looks intimidating as hell. To his own kind however, hes merely a cripplingly socially awkward and paranoid biology nerd with poor posture, no idea what to do with his hands, and an eating disorder

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i hate the arm posture on excalibur sonic but at least its something

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Posture (tarot card) - sometimes it’s okay to slouch and break form - if you’re forever straight and rigid, it doesn’t allow for fluidity and release of tension. Maintain a good form, but don’t forget to relax.

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Streamers during the posture check redeem

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Where my bad posture friends at? 🪑

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Some interactive modes of my favorite girls.
Posture has material reference.

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Lily straighten your posture!!
That's better

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A lovely commission for ! I had so much fun getting the vibe and posture of both characters, and I got to draw an incredibly old OC of my own!! Always a pleasure ^^

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Postureo nivel máximo...

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