Willpower or... the ability to manipulate others.

A few days late but I've been quite busy with Dragoncon. And with that. The end of but not the end of x Peanuts. They will be back!

I'm also going to put some of these strips into the

121 631

There are so many facts that I couldn’t fit. Deforestation effects all of us. I hope this is educational.

417 1028

Ethereal. No this week but enjoy this classic comic strip

111 578

I was thinking it... You was thinking it. If you weren’t, now you’re thinking it.


173 873


A conclusion to the 4 part outfit reacting series. 🙌🏼

264 1055

Hair theory 3. The Shopkeeper is also the salon guy but he has a scarf cause it cold and he does all them hairs... except yang.

148 717

I know many of you will be flying out today so here’s another Flight Safety lesson!

Have a safe flight home! I miss RTX already!

146 861

Enjoy the soundtrack today everyone. Awesome job Jeff and .

Which cry are you?

253 1043

I think the might have to have a Rowdyruff Boys episode soon.

52 370