What's that in the sky? It's a bird! It's a plane! No! It's.... witches?

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Madoka fans know being a magical girl is hard, especially on Walpurgisnacht. To make it even harder, there's Magical Fury Apocrypha.


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It is April 30...which means it is Walpurgisnacht...which means it is Madoka Day.


Did you start your Madoka binge yet?

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“I promise I won’t ever let your efforts be in vain.” Happy Walpurgis Night!🖤

And as for celebrating 4/30, Happy Birthday to InWhite too!

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A happy Walpurgisnacht to all my followers! I know many of us had plans for today that were cancelled and are now spending Walpurgisnacht in isolation, but don’t fret! The moon will still rise tonight and Walpurgisnacht will still go on regardless of any plague!

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schöne und kommt gut in den ersten mai.

buchtitel "für hund und katz ist auch noch platz​" eins ist wichtig: haltet abstand auf dem besen (und zusätzl. trägt die hexe einen mundschutz). julia donaldson/ axel scheffler/ macmillan children’s books

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Walpurgis Night except she got more tiddy.

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It's Witches Night! Or Walpurgis Night and Hexennacht...
Looking for some movies featuring witches and the occult to get into the spirit? I recommend:

The Craft
The Witches of Eastwick
Stranger in Our House
Midnight Offering
Pratical Magic
The Witch
The Lords of Salem

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Left, Graham Sutherland, 'Twisting Roads', ink, watercolour, bodycolour and coloured crayon, 1976. Right, 'Lingley's Field', John Scorror O'Connor, oil on canvas, date uncertain.
Sleep tight.

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Halloween will be in six months, but let's celebrate Walpurgis Night!

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Given that it's it seems to be about the best possible time to be "Häxan" (1922).

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Today is Walpurgis Night, the perfect night to howl to "that Unwanted Animal" by .

"And we fall into each other
The scratching grows so loud
Because that unwanted animal
Wants nothing more than to get out"

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- Tu puedes volver en el tiempo ¿verdad Podrías, regresar y no dejar que me convierta en una chica mágica... Sálvame, de mi propia ingenuidad

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