Cooking with sex toys <3
The first video i watched with my mom that was was unus annus

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From the first day to our last. This channel is so special because it also dates the year I found my one and only. I love everything about this channel and can't wait to see the end 💗(the art isnt mine! By darkmagic)

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I join Unus Annus Ethan got kicked in the balls I glad I joined and please take my old fanart

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My first vid was the ghost hunting at the old zoo, I’m also throwing through some fan art cause.. why not?

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I've been here from the beginning and I've loved every moment and stopped to enjoy the moment and try my best to make the most of what time we all have left

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I’ve been here since March, I went through and watched every video in order till I caught up on Halloween :)

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Mark, Eathan, thank you so mich for the time. I am allreafy following Markiplier since Years and he helped me so much trough so me tough times.
I am there since Mark just announced his new Project on his Channel ^^

I can't draw human's but I still tried

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I was here since the start but the second image is my favorite with the meme in it

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since day one babeyyy
also did a fanart and I really wanted out guys to see if

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very first video... insane how fast this year has gone by.

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:') been here since like day 2 or something idk (here's the only fanart i did the whole time, my campsona lol)

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The Wubble, August 7, 2020. The time that I decided to stop just picking and choosing videos from the channel and went to watch them all; the time it first really started to matter. From me, my art of myself, and all other fans; Memento Mori. Unus Annus.

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I truly don’t remember the first video I saw, but the hubby and I came in late and caught up quick. 🖤 have to say though, becoming one with the horse made me laugh-cry so many damn times.

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i was here since Hot Dog’d to death with my best friend Jess. Since we were enjoying the channel together since the beginning, I wanted to make art to honor that.

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