Os espero en unas horitas en stream, que hay ganitas de retomar Hollow Ataraxia 👀

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veremos algun dia adaptado Hollow Ataraxia? antes veo un remake del 2006 la verdad XD

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第1弾です!✨(イクノデイクタス・サイレンススズカ・ナリタブライアン・ツインターボ(ウマ娘)・モラクス(メギド72)・カレン(Fate/hollow ataraxia)・エルエ(アリスレコード)・水瀬名雪(Kanon))リプライありがとうございました~!🙇‍♂️💖✨

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No.265/400  桜』

「Fate/stay night」に登場するヒロインのひとり。衛宮士郎に憧れを抱いている後輩の少女。彼の友人である間桐慎二の妹でもある。弓道部に所属しており、続編「Fate/hollow ataraxia」では部長に就任。

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Nestha pulsava, empurrando Ataraxia para a oitava posição. Lanthys saltou para trás.

—Qual Deus da Morte é você?— exigiu Lanthys olhando entre a lâmina e ela. O fogo prateado que ardia em seus olhos.

Nestha balançou Ataraxia de novo, e Lanthys se encolheu. Com medo da lâmina.

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ATTEMPTED to take a cg from fate/hollow ataraxia and draw it in takeuchi's modern style it was fun
(right is the original cg for comparison)

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So what is Hollow Ataraxia's take on death? Death is unavoidable, and there's nothing wrong with fearing it. But just... live your life in such a way that when it finally comes, you can believe the lie that it was worth it.

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(Fate/hollow ataraxia、ランサー、ギル様、カレン)

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というかVitaが瀕死の今、またもhollow ataraxiaオススメしづらいゲームとなってしまった。
staynightをプレイした…アニメ視聴でもいいや、触れた方には是非「Fate/hollow ataraxia」も知ってほしいので


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I am a big fan of Hollow/Ataraxia so...

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I like the Fate/Stay series, mostly stuff around the original cast. However... I haven't been too motivated to read Hollow Ataraxia. Apparently it has a mix of humorous slice of life, but also introduces a buncha new characters? I wonder if they'll ever make an anime of this.

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Sakura & Rider in Hollow Ataraxia
Source: https://t.co/GiFzENrgmy

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『hollow ataraxia』のネタ(https://t.co/9PpNoKbP5K)から始まった物語も、アニメ化されて10年。

※画像は『ALL OVER/Zero』あるいは『CONCEPT』より。

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And now it's Fate Hollow Ataraxia's turn right? 🤔

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原作準拠のアルトリア(セイバー)のセイバーオルタver.のカラーカスタマイズ完了。リボンの色はFate/hollow ataraxiaを参照にしてみました

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Medusa meme posting
Fate/Hollow Ataraxia moment

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鬼滅の刃や月姫の今後の展開も楽しみですが、「Fate/hollow ataraxia」の映像化も期待してます🥳

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Tsundere boy 😌

Had to draw this scene from Fate/hollow ataraxia

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Morning my lovely Ataraxians! I'm still sleepy and in pain but luckily I have no classes today, YEY!! but I have to attend a webinar in place of the lesson I'm missing qwq Reminder to all, I love you all❤️

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