Dah faham setiap settings kat IbisPaint ni. Senangnyaaa nak guna owemji 🥺💗 tak payah guna premium brush pun dah byk sgt benda boleh custom settings sndiri

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Cos’è che fa di un mostro… un mostro? I canini affilati? L’abitudine, piuttosto molesta, di ululare nelle notti di luna piena o di riposare, tutto bendato, racchiuso in un sarcofago?



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I cannot put into words how outdated Bendal's reference is - I drew this right before I took a second stab at writing their story and they wound up a completely different character!! *and yes, they do paint their nails

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halo aku Cece, suka gambar macem macem terutama benda/hal yang menurutku menggemaskan ✺◟(∗❛ัᴗ❛ั∗)◞✺

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There ya go. And space is warped and time is bendable, because the artist appears to be trying to do something artsy with having the child and adult forms swap, but the colorist got confused, and the result is jarring to say the least.

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Dalam tempoh 10 tahun, sekali sahaja aku lukis benda-benda manis ni. Aku yakin mak aku pun tak akan percaya ni kerja aku. Ingat tak bosan ke hari-hari lukis mayat.

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not my best artwork (dari segi kerapian), cuma iseng doodle. sebenernya cuma mau ngevisualisasiin jokes yang lagi bersliweran di tl wkwkwk fusion antara iya mas x potong benda isinya cake

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Aku lupa mau ngasih tau ini

Jadi yg sebelah kirinya itu referensi aku untuk bikin background nyari di penterest(cr to owner) terus yg sebelah kanan itu background yg ku buat sebelum diblur, udh aku modifikasi warna dan benda2nya biar lebih cocok sama karakter Kia https://t.co/pJeNFogljN

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Another one! Character is Rabenda- she belongs to YokaiArtist on artfight!

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Flowers ...

Mildred Bendall
French, 1871–1977

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Uhh lessee we've got Nira, Esper, Miffy and Bendal... https://t.co/7w4hlARfrY

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Il desiderio divampa in me
i miei occhi scintillano
infilo le buone maniere nel cassetto più vicino,
divento Satana
bendando gli occhi ai miei angeli
solo per un bacio.
📕Ciliegia rossa su piastrelle bianche✍️Maram al-Masri

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LIBRA | Nine of Wands reversed: When we put our fears, anxieties, concern, and attention into how other people see us - we lose ourselves in the process of attempting to be bendable or paletable for them. You're making yourself sick trying to fill an expectation that isn't yours.

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