There was an adorable piece of Bunyan pretending to be Kiara.
So here is the reverse of that.

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Paul Bunyan is a perfect pure cupcake

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tw // flexing dan halu

universe keluarga ibunya

kdg ada movie night kalo semuanya lagi gada acara, film kesukaan kita (pdhl cm si ibu dan kakak wnpil) tuh the rise of the guardians smp bosen

si adek (dwoon) sama younghyun cuma ikut nonton aja sambil mam, salah satu potretnya!

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New commission from Nyanbunya on artistsandclients ❤❤❤

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Bunyan attacking with quick card drawn by me

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//Bunyan kinda makes this panel funny to me.

I like Bunyan-

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challenge featuring protagonist of my indie “Sam in New York.”

RULES and PRIZES: see thread below


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Paul Bunyan’s event made no sense, but that’s what made it amazing.

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Made something for the Bunyan and Tamamo fans.

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It's June 28th and you know what that means! Happy Paul Bunyan Day! with the Pines Family in Gravity Falls. :) (orig. post:; can't wait to see how Twitter crops this one.)

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Here's a few of those smaller not mentioned updates:
Mordred's eyes are greener.
Shinjuku Archer has his sprite updates
Kiara has her skill animation and I think sprites
Various additional voice lines other than the documented ones (Bunyan, Passionlip, all I remember for now)

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Apa yang akan kalian lakukan kalau ketemu anak kembar beda ibu ini?? wkwkwk

Nellson ketemu sama Jansen. Fin.
seneng banget aku kalo gambar ginian 🙈🙈🤣

Sekalian, selamat buat ibunya Nell, sudah berjuang untuk Gamsusnya~~

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Waifunya husbu:
- oikawa (hq) WKWKWK
- akashi (kurobas)
- meiko (vocaloid)

Husbunya husbu:
- mikadzuki (touran)

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