Workin on a cherub but one w big scary cherubim wings :3

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William Blake’s scenes from Shakespeare ~ Oberon, Titania & Puck with Fairies Dancing (A Midsummer Night's Dream) ■ “Pity, like a naked new-born babe / Striding the blast, or heaven's cherubim, hors'd / Upon the sightless couriers of the air” (Macbeth) ■ King Lear & Cordelia

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I apologize, I had to delete the original drawing because I accidentally clicked on the "blue lives" instead of "black lives".

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11 - lopmon
yes i already put cherubimon on the list. what of it
still my draft pick for "if i had to have a canon rookie level for my partner". LUV this bunny

also he's so on brand in tamers, tamers!andiramon>lopmon is just so on brand for me

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1 - cherubimon, specifically cherubimon vice
rabbit jester of my heart and my forever favorite mwah mwah mwah

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54. Michael (dulu Cherubim) awalnya adalah fallen angel juga

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The ending of D-Projects makes Cherubimon looks live a very powerful and dangerous Digimon

It's what I expected to see in Frontier. Well, if the anime doesn't give what I wanted, then the obscure wonderswan game is going to do that 🤣

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Este capítulo tuvimos muchos nuevos digimon animados o.O, de hecho creo que este ha sido el capítulo que más digimon ha mostrado hasta el momento.

1. Valdurmon
2. Deathmon
3. Cherubimon (Virtue)
4. Seraphimon

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Buen video shelos.

Los digis que se ven en el flassback son: Valdurmon (el pájaro blanco de abajo), Ophanimon (digimon enmedio), seraphimon (derecha), cherubimon (izquierda) rasielmon (enmedio arriba), ClavisAngemon (arriba derecha) y SlashAngemon (arriba izquierda)

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✨¡Cherubimon (Virtue) X!✨
I'm still practicing this style (? ^^"

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Toke a brake from the grind to draw my Tamer Akina and !

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Didn’t draw much this time due to some circumstances. Here is Cherubimon from Digimon for stickers/acrylic charm and maybe as a stand?

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Hey y'all! ✌
I go by Alav and this will be my first time participating in Art Fight for the Sugar and Spice theme!

and will be my first characters joining for this event.

I'm aiming to join Team Sugar!🍬🍭

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Charity cherubim for Tumblr. Link in bio if you want an angel!

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