is mostly Rumiko Takahashi’s work. I just loved those rowdy boys that fought stuff.

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i feel like if i'm sticking with the stuff that defined my early on, these have gotta be the picks

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my first comic, the one that got me hooked, and two that made an impact ✨

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thought it would be cool to do the while admitting... a dark past

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Well, if I want to go waaaaay back...

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that being said i did read a few western comics growing up that ended up being super formative

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My (first comic, one that got me hooked, and two that I love)

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If i were to start a comic it would esentially be a big strange mash-up of all these so here you go

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but my memory of my childhood is like one huge chunk rather delineated periods.

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here’s my post!! it was hard to pick but these four may have been the most formative

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My each of these legit taught me what comics could be, what one could do with the medium.

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My is heavily '80s Marvel. & Romita DD. CLASSIC X-MEN. Hama's Early solo Punisher.

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