Como Pueblos Indígenas, tenemos un pensamiento en común: la humanidad es guardiana de la Madre Tierra y para vivir en equilibrio es necesario cuidar de ella, pues es quien da y sustenta la vida.

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All of Kumamoto 📸

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The giant dinos didn’t see that asteroid coming.

We, however, have sadly seen another mass extinction coming for years...

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Our Earth, our responsability 🌏

Created with the help of my lovely Agent ❤️

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"The most dangerous worldview is the view of those who have never looked at the world." - Alexander von Humboldt

Just finished The Invention of Nature by Andrea Wulf, highly recommended reading for

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La naturaleza, gran inspiración para mis pinturas! 💙 ‘WATER UNIVERSE’

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Be a Rebel: Hug a tree, recycle, pick up some trash and make a difference! 💚💚💚

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Happy Earth Day all! This year I will be participating in - let’s protect our home. It’s all we have!

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Happy to everyone! We are part of a vast universe, so be proud of that. Use your lifetime to make good actions, in benefit of your own universe. Look around you. Don't think that your good deed will have no impact. Yes, it will.

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