prima si seguiva il racconto dei vangeli: il sepolcro vuoto, le donne e l'angelo con, a volte, l'aggiunta del "noli me tangere"
Cappella Scrovegni (1303-1305)

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El Greco creates one of the most dramatic, poignant images I’ve experienced demonstrating both dark and light of the supreme sacrifice of Jesus Christ; recalling Giotto’s fresco two hundred years earlier...

El Greco: The Crucifixion (1596-1600)

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"L'Entrée de Jésus à Jérusalem", Giotto, 1303.

Pfiouuu ! superbe.
Les bleus et les verts de Giotto sont éternels, je trouve qu'ils ont une vibration qu'aucune fresque de l'époque n'atteint.

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Visio Divina is a great way to pray and do art history at the same time. Today my classes reflected on the meaning of Palm Sunday using Entry into Jerusalem, a fresco painted by Early Renaissance painter, Giotto, completed in 1305 in the Scrovegni Chapel in Padua (Italy).

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It’s & our churches are closed.
Still we can follow the story through Giotto’s paintings in Arena Chapel, Padua (c1305)
And remember all those in Italy & closer to home who are fearful.
Today- Christ enters Jerusalem in triumph

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It’s Palm Sunday Here’s my favourite painting of the Entry of Christ into Jerusalem by Giotto, seen on the walls of the Scrovegni Chapel (c1305)- just look at that sweet, smiley donkey 🐴

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Verissimo Reb!!
Buona Domenica delle
🌴🌴 Palme 🌈
a te e tutti!!

Cappella degli Scrovegni


Entrata a Gerusalemme

Verissimo Reb!!
Buona Domenica delle
🌴🌴 Palme 🌈
a te e tutti!!

Cappella degli Scrovegni


Entrata a Gerusalemme

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Il colore del passato
che ritorna ben vestito,

il color dell'infinito
e di ciò che non è stato;

il color triste dell'ore
così lente a venir giù..

Marino Moretti


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Cappella degli Scrovegni ..Padova
Giotto rappresenta "La resurrezione di Lazzaro"
Francesco ci invita ad aver fede "anche se la morte sembra aver vinto"

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Hey guys... These are some colored drawings that I've done before i got assaulted... Hipe you like them :3

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