And here's the Master of Form, Chamille!
You can only love a woman full of shades of purple, hahah.

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J’espère vraiment que Tox et Chamille seront de nouveau réuni dans une prochaine saison, LE MONDE LES RECALE!!

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This is probably what White's palanquin looks like. She also likes to play Chamillionare's "Ridin' Dirty" while riding on it.

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"He's more than just a toy... He's your best friend"

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It's all about the Skywalker fam! B) and actually I was drawing Luke while watching the panel 💖

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Mark Hamill as the Joker. For those who do not know, he plays the voice of the Joker in the Batman animated series, movies, and even Arkham games.For me he is the best Joker on screen and I want it to paint him as if he actually embodied the animated Joker persona

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Mark Hamill - Luke Skywalker
colored pencils on paper (sold)

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Another one of my artist returns from the Star Wars Galaxy card set for Topps.

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Mark Hamill has voiced various minor Adventure Time characters - Fear Feaster, Punch Bowl, Evil Guy, and Jordan.

Mark Hamill is known for - among other things - his role as Luke Skywalker, as well as voicing The Joker in various Batman cartoons.

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I’m pretty pumped at the moment.
Mark Hamill, just liked two of the paintings I did of him, on Instagram. Thanks ..!

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Might make this a tradition, every time I get a like from a Celeb, (Started with Mark Hamill) they get an "appreciation drawing" in return. Based off of the "I Want You" music vid, this one goes out to , thanks! :D

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Kevin Smith, Mark Hamill, Rob Liefeld to Attend Tribute at Grauman's Chinese Theatre

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Even though this one doesn't feature a [Your Name Here] in it, I HAD to post it. After all, who else do you know that has an actual Insane Asylum embedded in their name? Why, no one else but mARK HAMill, that's who! 🤪
Jedi Joker 🤺🃏

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Have the first pic of the series :D Ttar with his tough Rival Sage!
She will give Thamill a hard time with her team!
I'm not good at drawing in Pokémon style, but I tried my best! Same Ttar pose as in the original pic^^
I hope you like it :D

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