I finished it. Result of 3 days of suffering and headache.
Edward Nygma and Oswald Cobblepot
Gotham fanart

17 47

do people have specific characters they get really overexcited about. animal crossing dom and edelgard are health hazards, if i think about them too long i get a headache. ghhgh look how tiny they are it’s hurting me

15 173

Finally got sleep last night and then woke up with a headache.

0 0

Felt like doing my nails in like FOREVER. Ignore my hair I havent brushed it since the pandemic started. *headache. Not pictured. How yall distractong yourselves?

0 22

Being a woman in this world is a headache. The mc is amazing because I am sure I would have been abandoned earlier on

0 0

..sometimes when I draw the feeling is worse than headache.

19 89

I'm really not a big fan of the neon bear (Charlise) villager on my island for . I legit cannot look at them for very long otherwise I start getting a really bad headache. But I also have gotten too far in the game to actually want to start over... help

0 3

qrt w ur art!!
i.... didn't do anything today bc i had a headache.. https://t.co/jJdGE31zwM

1 5

My mini-me in my head during my current headache..

0 8

Day 3 after diagnosis. No sore throat/headache. Yesterday was cough day, still no shortness of breath/chest pain. Diarrhea started, lucky cough got better. update: similar effusion, seems less thickened pleural line + no b-lines (PLAPS).

633 2025

saves this for later cus i have a headache.........

4 21

Here ya go again.
NOW I’m going to sleep.
Will finish... sometime this month. When I don’t have a headache.

16 76

Have you hydrated yourself today? No? Then do so! While the myth about soda pop dehydrating you is false it's definitely better to drink something like water to hydrate you when you're thirsty, or have a dehydration related headache. Apparently this comic just turned into a PSA.

1 8

Sexual Goth Werewolf Girl Harem Thoughts are stored in the brain...
And I got a Massive Headache.

0 7

Me: *Feeling terrible because of the sickness and major headache. It's probably best for me to sleep rn*

also me: dEmOns aRe cOoL, rIgHT?

2 3

Woke up from a nightmare with a bad headache. I hope it doesn’t turn into a migraine 🥺
At least I have company in bed :)

0 8

Side effects/withdrawal from drugs (medicinal or otherwise) are an important cause of Oddly, this includes chronic use of painkillers, which may have been started to treat recurring headaches! From my next coming on the first Mon of March!

8 31

Finished this man on stream - even with my tablet driver giving me a headache.

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