⛄🏥 Just try to think about baseball. Today’s cartoon by https://t.co/k8vYNj0cIn Need more stiff comedy? Subscribe to Weekly Humorist! https://t.co/SBISdAVgyE

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Je me permets de partager mes gribouillis alors. Je dessine essentiellement des personnages, du fanart de temps en temps et prépare une bande-dessinée d'héroïc-fantasy humoristique à paraitre bientôt, voilà et merci.^^

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L'humoriste se fait traiter de « sale noir » en plein spectacle. Celui-ci n’en revient pas, conserve son calme et reste digne face à ce méprisable raciste. Chapeau à lui 🎩

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Alright my verdict on the Venom movie was I liked it very much, very humorist.

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Commissions for , who wanted me to doodle some humoristic situations with my ocs

-Hairaku making a mess with my comic planning/script (and workspace )
-What would Kagura do if she witnessed someone committing a crime

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Incertidumbre sobre la exhumación de los restos del dictador...
Arriaga, 2017. https://t.co/PqepyafmlQ

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R.i.P Vera (1974-2018) :'( // Til minne om NRK-programleder og forfatter, humorist Vera Micaelsen

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Coucou les amis !
Le Trucs & Boo d'machins de la semaine 😉
Soutiens Boo Tchou sur (planches BD et gags gratos chaque semaine)
Découvrir les autres billets :

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60 aniversari de la primera aparició de "les Schtroumpfs" (Els Barrufets) a la revista "Spirou". Homenatge de M. Ferrer, Cavall Fort, 1971.

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What's your breakthrough? Today's cartoon by https://t.co/xjCydxUcse More ways to feel good? Subscribe to Weekly Humorist! https://t.co/SBISdAVgyE

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I'm not vanished, just mega-busy with work!
Here's a little tribute to SuperMutant Magic Academy, the awesome humoristic comic by holy queen 🙌🏽
If you haven't read it yet, do it NOW!

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Festival guest in Helsinki Comics Festival 2018:

Marko Raassina is known for his humoristic adaptions of the Finnish national epoch Kalevala. He draws digitally, and at the moment Raassina is making illustrations for a children’s book containing stories from White Karelia.

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Un petit fanart humoristique et mignon, de avec et

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Beachgoers, be careful out there! Today's cartoon by Mike Shiell https://t.co/8J6TdA1owP Support Silliness! Subscribe to Weekly Humorist! https://t.co/O4QaRyfzJW

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These days everyone is just phoning it in. This week's Drunk Cartoon by https://t.co/PZAyB3LGuF And hey, right from your phone, subscribe to Weekly Humorist! https://t.co/O4QaRyfzJW

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En el aniversario de su fallecimiento recordamos al gran y Miguel Gila

Los Reyes Magos del Humor: Cervantes Quevedo y Gila ¿Admiración excesiva? Ninguna admiración puede ser excesiva si se trata de Gila y si no al tiempo


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Xavier Bonilla
Grphic humorist and Ecuadorian political cartoonist.
Facebook: https://t.co/dGnuOcv7z4

💎 Refugees & migrants.

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