・2022/7/31@西荻窪Pit Bar
・2022/8/27@ 新宿WildSideTokyo
・2022/9/3@西荻窪Pit Bar←New

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Francis Bacon (1909-92) was a great Irish artist who captured the horror, disaster & evil of the 20th century with its catastrophic oppression & wars. He was a nihilist, an exile & a gay man in an era of destruction (self portraits, 1970 & 1973)

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Nihilists! Fuck me. I mean, say what you want about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it’s an ethos.

This is not Vietnam, this is bowling. There are rules.

30 50

Francis Bacon (1909-92) was a great Irish artist who captured the horror, disaster & evil of the 20th century with its catastrophic oppression & wars. He was a nihilist, an exile & a gay man in an era of destruction (self portraits, 1970 & 1973)

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Molan's fave character list on anilist is so fucking powerful

1 23

mudaram a foto do kirei no anilist e eu só consigo pensar nisso

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Nobody mentioned Hokusai's "The Dream of the Fisherman's Wife"?.. Philistines 🧐 https://t.co/35eRI2845d

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Here's my wary pugilist, Kyla Skella! (he/him) 🤜

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Star Squadron AU

Sadie: This is lovestruck one on location, do not panic, we are tethered and have a rescue specailist rapelling to you

1 3

Rin Love Live Word Of The Day 'supercalifragilisticexpialidocious' yeah Rin and I don't know what to do for this one

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Seriously, I think WHEN I LISTEN TO SILENCE (by ) could turn into a beautiful show by ~ 🤩

Am I crazy? Is it just my imagination?! 🤨

2 14

C'est vrai que ce mot comme son donjon est parfaitement atroce
Mais faut l'dire et vous s'erez transposé avec le boss SuperTalKashafragilisticexpialidocious🎶

(Mary Poppins TK)

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・2022/7/31@西荻窪Pit Bar
・2022/6/18@西横浜El Puente
・2022/8/27@ 新宿WildSideTokyo

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Belga di origine, israeliana d'adozione, Giselle Dekel è un'illustratrice che ha fatto del lato tragicomico della vita la propria cifra stilistica


6 14

This Pugilist update is a meet-cute! And more!


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Alright, with a bit of luck, Gaming Hell will be getting an update this Monday! Please look forward to a powerful battle between some petite pugilists.

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👇La primera imagen es la ,que ya conocemos de los anteriores tuits que he compartido, con un poco de zoom.👇

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