"'It so happens that the phoenix whose tail feather is in your wand, gave another feather- just one other. It is curious indeed that you should be destined for this wand when its brother- why, its brother gave you that scar’”
— JKR (PS5)

by SaBenerica

0 13

Perhaps it is finally time, now that JKR herself is so opposed to 'cancel culture' to revive the petition to have Tanya Grotter officially translated and circulated in the English-speaking world (in the defense of 'freedom of speech' of course).

0 3

“Harry now carried a large cage which held a beautiful snowy owl, fast a sleep with her head under her wing. He couldn’t stop stammering his thanks…”
— JKR (PS5)

Examine Harry’s relationship with Hedwig through the years.

by HogwartsHorror


0 4

“Once, he though he saw a burst of fire at the end of a passage and twisted around to see if it was a dragon, but too late”
— JKR (PS5)

by scribblerian


0 4

“‘Knew! Of course we knew! How could you not be, my dratted sister being what she was?”
— JKR (PS4)

Do you think Petunia made Harry inferior to Dudley because she felt inferior to Lily?

by Hilly Minne


0 5

"'Who are you?'
'True, I haven't introduced meself. Rubeus Hagrid, Keeper of Keys and Grounds at Hogwarts.’”
— JKR (PS4)

What was your first impressions of Hagrid? How did your opinions change as his character developed?

by gerre

2 13

"'I want to read that letter,' he said loudly.
'I want to read it,' said Harry furiously, 'as it's mine.'
'Get out, both of you,' croaked Uncle Vernon, stuffing the letter back inside its envelope.
Harry didn't move.
— JKR (PS3)

by scribblerian

0 11

“‘It must be really annoying.’
The snake nodded vigorously.
‘Where do you come from, anyway?’ Harry asked.
The snake jabbed its tail at the little sign next to the glass"
— JKR (PS2)

by scribblerian

1 16

We cannot responsibly divorce the author from the story, but we can make it damn clear who owns it now.

-- Harry Potter belongs to the queers.

71 332

“‘Good luck, Harry,’ he murmured. He turned on his heel and with a swish of his cloak he was gone.”
— JKR (PS1)

Did Dumbledore do the right thing by leaving Harry with the Dursleys? Should he have paid more attention to their treatment of Harry?

by Hala Zabaneh

1 8

And yet TRA march the streets promising to punch, kill and rape women, over and over again. Quit being a hypocrite. JKR is a WOMAN and she speaks for women, children and those trans people bullied by TRA dogma.

33 111

“‘Shoo!’ Said Mr Dursley loudly.
The cat didn’t move. It just gave him a stern look. Was this normal cat behaviour, Mr Dursley wondered”
— JKR (PS1)

by Olivia Pelaez


0 13

“‘You said to us once before,’ said Hermione quietly, ‘that there was time to turn back if we wanted to. We’ve had time, haven’t we?’
‘We’re with you whatever happens,’ said Ron.”
— JKR (HBP30)

by UpTheHill

5 21

"Hagrid was walking slowly up the aisle between the chairs. He was crying quite silently, his face gleaming with tears, and in his arms, wrapped in purple velvet spangled with golden stars, was what Harry knew to be Dumbledore's body"
— JKR (HBP30)

by Ottowl

5 23

"Harry could imagine how it would have been if Dumbledore had not died, and they had had this time together at the very end of the year, Ginny's examinations finished, the pressure of homework lifted ..."
— JKR (HBP30)

by Viria13

2 9

"All lessons were suspended, all examinations postponed. Some students were hurried away from Hogwarts by their parents over the next couple of days - the Patil twins were gone before breakfast"
— JKR (HBP30)

by Beastlyworlds


0 4

"'Tonks deserves somebody young and whole.'
'But she wants you,' said Mr Weasley, with a small smile. 'And after all, Remus, young and whole men do not necessarily remain so.' He gestured sadly at his son"
— JKR (HBP29)

by Aidinera

0 9

I've made my stance on pretty clear, but thankfully , , and a team of trans, intersex, and BIPOC contributors put together a statement that expresses the same sentiment far more eloquently. We all must work together to keep this fandom centered on acceptance.

90 773

Addressing statements.


We'd like to thank for working with us, as well as , , , , and the staff at Leaky & MuggleNet for all their help refining this statement!

168 725

"'You see!' said a strained voice. Tonks was glaring at Lupin. 'She still wants to marry him, even though he's been bitten! She doesn't care!'
'It's different,' said Lupin, barely moving his lips and looking suddenly tense"
— JKR (HBP29)

by ReallyCorking

2 16