Good morning cuties ~=^_^= Yuuki Konno from Sword Art Online 💜⚡ { Sauce } !xD¡

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I always enjoy seeing my wildlife shots in b&w, love how simple the emotion factor gets 📷😊 Opininions?🙏

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Who decided it would be a good idea to put Maxy "Living Hazard" Konno and Emil "Nearly Set Himself On Fire" Galhardo-Alverez in the same room? They both wear too many hair products for this to turn out well...

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★ Mune ga Naru no wa Kimi no Sei by Risa Konno
(Betsucomi vol.6, 2014)

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★ Mune ga Naru no wa Kimi no Sei by Risa Konno
(Betsucomi vol.10, 2013)

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my favorite villain in
the kamen rider ZI-O series

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AS SEEN/HEARD ON [as] (and other networks) - Erica Mendez ()

* Kill la Kill - Ryuko Matoi
* Sword Art Online - Yuuki Konno
* Hunter x Hunter (2011) - Gon Freeccs
* Sailor Moon (Viz Dub) - Sailor Uranus

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OT3 Request - Kyril, Konnor and Hal

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Свадьба Юки. Автор работы gabiran_

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Resolvi refazer uma foto minha como um personagem meu :
Konnor hirashi

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ゆにちゃん(@ Yuni_Konno)完成したよ✋

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À l'honneur : Mayumi Konno et ses illustrations peintes sur toiles, reproduites en grand format pour mieux apprécier leurs sublimes détails.

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紺野さん(@ konno17xx )からバトンいただきました!ありがとうございます😇

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【優美な王子様】 紺野 梓 (Konno Azusa) 3★

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【苦手稽古】 紺野 梓 (Konno Azusa) 3★

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