Ever tried making one of these pop up sculptures from popupology? Even the simplest ones are super fun to make.

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The moon has lost his memory...

Launching 16th February, 5-8pm, is my solo exhibition at Zakura Gallery, London. All welcome.

8 Shillingford St, Islington, London

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My exhibition is coming up soon!
Private view opening is on the 28th February 6-8pm.


めでたい 人生
愛したい 今

A celebrating life
Only a wish to love this very moment

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‘Allow it happening ‘ by our on show at
CortinaArte till 9 february
congrats to Michelle for showing at in

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Taking it easy this Spare a thought for the Rush Hour figures cast in bronze by George Segal, part of the Art Trail curated by us. Uncover this and more artworks by international artists : https://t.co/BSzu8X79Tu

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'Walk in the Park' by Stephen Ford, currently on display at Clarendon Fine Art Mayfair as part of their 'Nova' exhibition (until 23rd February).

Please call 020 7499 0947 for details.

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You are welcome to see my ceramic sculpture Good Luck Hope Exhibition: Gallery 51Southwark Street London SE1 1RU UK 26February - 2March 2019

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Get your Limited edition prints, J'AYME À JAMAIS (I LOVE FOR EVER), available at The Contemporary in Altrincham

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New piece re-worked and now ready. Any suggestions for a title? 50cm x 76cm, acrylic, charcoal and graphite pencil.

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What are you doing this weekend? Head on down to see this stellar show ‘ASSEMBLE’ presented by hosted y Open today Sat 10.30-6pm, Mon & Tues details on: https://t.co/P2rLjxPloN

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We had a great time at the opening of last night. Here are a few of our sculpture highlights from
Feel inspired? Come & learn new sculpture skills with us

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Looking forward to seeing some of our artists work at this years See a list of studio artists here: https://t.co/FbizgGGxZw

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Delighted to have sold this painting at the opening night of Assemble Exhibition Show runs until 22 January.

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