After that little break let's continue with the TM pixel practice.
Here's Aoko's roommate and the master of the Kuonji Mansion: Alice.

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Here's Aoko in her casual clothes.
First time trying a Mahoyo character so I hope she looks okay.

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I may have deleted this last night because I was in *a mood* but she really is the light of my life and this drawing makes me happy.

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Color palette fun + some of my favorite mahoyome scenes 💕🌻

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Okay so I'm not gonna lie I've thought of making MahoYome memes but.......
Someone got there first and it's far better than I could have imagined . . .

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Pour ceux qui ne le savent pas, Mahōtsukai no Yoru (abrégé en Mahoyo) est un visual novel développé par Type-Moon sorti en 2012. Il est traduit en français par et nous vous invitons à y jeter un œil.

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What I love the most from this show is its beautiful art 😍
Finally got to make a fanart out of it!

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Well this turned out looking completely different from the WIP didnt it.

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さらに、原作者ヤマザキコレ原案による完全オリジナルアニメーション『魔法使いの嫁 星待つひと』(全3部作)がコミックス第6巻・7巻・8巻の特装版で同梱発売されることが決定!

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