50 pieces selected for national 30 pieces selected for 1st NHS meet the assessors https://t.co/9emk7esenI

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Delighted! National Assessors are G Hodges, S Mcloughlin, J Escritt, & ! Assessment day 17 March

0 1

Loiter is probably my favorite possessor wicked yokai
sucks you can't recruit them

3 6

こちらも明日から。12月7日から渋谷ヒカリエd47 MUSEUMの企画
「47 accsessories 2 - 47都道府県のアクセサリー展-」の連動企画として47 accsessories一部作家さんの商品を明日より販売いたします。沖縄店は、12月1日〜12月28日まで。

2 2

Amare, a differenza dell’essere amati, è cercare un possesso che non sarà mai soddisfatto appieno.

13 31

Oggi esce "Sesso, droghe e macarons" di e la copertina l'ho disegnata io. https://t.co/exJPkqORP2…/

9 19

Il sesso secondo Kim Roselier https://t.co/FLW8qxfbJ7

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Travelin' Light (by Jonas Mosesson)
More Design Story - http://t.co/ssiwcfF1JZ

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"Tratto il tema del sesso per la frustrazione nel vedere quanto male viene interpretato" http://t.co/7jUahIltGE

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Possession is nine-tenths of the law. Which sucks when you're not the possessor. http://t.co/jVl9SSdVnp

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