grishaverse characters as breakup texts: a thread

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Enter the Mishaverse! A commission for the highly talented based on his incredibly detailed FE4 AU with interesting pairings, dynamics, twists and storylines. I tried to celebrate his hard work with this picture of Misha and her parents Lewyn & Deet'var!

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Yesterday I doodled Inej smiling and I ended up coloring it because she deserves all of the happiness in the world ♥️

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Sveriges Tidning var tidningsbranschens motsvarighet till en berusad rättshaverist på sociala medier. (1884)

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If you manage to piss Inej off this much, you deserve whatever is coming T B H 😱

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Here's what she thinks of Matthias' brooding 😂

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"Everything is a negotiation with you, Brekker."

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A2: Story Inspiration

While REAPER's taken on a life of its own since its conception, the group dynamic was definitely inspired by SoC - the MC Scythe is essentially "what if Kaz and Inej had a very stabby, murderous lovechild?" 😂 (art from the Grishaverse wiki)

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I enjoyed doing this not-quite-triptych series from the Grishaverse a few years ago... Maybe I should do another one.

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Self quarantine has given me a lot of time to practice drawing , really trying to find my ‘style’#ninazenik

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