“Welcome back, detective”


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Ah si tu aime Stim ET les cailloux sachent que les worry stone c'est cool pour ça! C'est des pierres taillées exprès pour que ton pouce puisse y loger et frotter la pierre. J'en ai trouvée une en agate mousse sur Amazon justement haha

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this is snoozy!!! hes a little dog alien stuffed animal thing and hes hypersensitive to loud noises. they stim when overstimulated by stomping their feet on the ground and even tho it looks like a waddle their trying their best

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welcome to my slime stim youtube channel

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Congratulations to Eric Middlebrooks et al. for yet another DBS connectivity study in ANT stim for epilepsy!
Using , and 's DISTAL atlas.

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More illustrations for "Autistic Ollie" by the extraordinary

for the 2nd:

"My kitty is wonderful, silly, and sweet;
when she purrs on my forearms I stim with my feet."

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So true, and so sad. I've adapted so well, I've had to unlearn some behaviors so I can function better. For instance, I stim more in public b/c it genuinely helps my anxiety. And I've accepted the parts of me I previously felt ashamed of, like being childlike.

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Dunno why yet I kinda want to see dysfunctional relationship of these two.

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浮世は廻る糸車♪糸を手繰れば一巡り♪ 昨日のようにスラスラといかなかった。アレの見過ぎでSTIM屋さんのアリスがチラチラ見えてくるんです。

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